Makaton Resources

  • Sign Illustrations

    Sign Illustrations

    Wherever possible, the Makaton Core Vocabulary has been matched with New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), and some sign concepts have been borrowed from the NZSL Tutors Association (Auckland Branch) NZSL Handbook (1995).

    The Makaton language programme utilises many of the performance features of the Deaf Sign Language – such as facial expressions, body language and the use of placement and directionality.

    It presents the key signs in the word order of spoken English.

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  • Symbols Book

    Symbols Book

    The Symbols Book provides a symbol match to the 1998 version of the Makaton Core Vocabulary. Makaton Symbols are designed to be:

    • As pictographic as possible in order to convey the meaning of the concept that the symbol represents.
    • Uncomplicated, so they can be drawn by hand and used in a functional manner similar to handwriting.
    • A reflection of language themes, to support and encourage the development of language structure.

    At Makaton Symbol Workshops, specific teaching methods are introduced to ensure successful implementation of the Makaton Language Programme

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  • Pocket Book 1

    Pocket Book 1 (Stages 1, 2 & additional)

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  • Pocket Book 1

    Pocket Book 2 (Stages 3 & 4)

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  • Book of Games

    Book of Games

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  • Placeholder

    Progress Record Sheet Pads

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